In the realm of cross-language communication, Telelingo emerges as a game-changer, bridging the gap between diverse languages with seamless precision.

Main Features

  • Real-time phone call translation
  • Wide language coverage (over 80 languages)
  • Pay-as-you-go billing system for transparency and cost control

How to Use

Telelingo is the solution for businesses and individuals seeking to overcome language barriers during phone calls. Whether you’re in a multinational corporation or a startup looking to expand globally, this tool solves the problem of inefficient communication due to language differences. To use Telelingo, simply input your voice during a phone call, and the AI will translate your words in real-time. The outcome is instant comprehension, facilitating smooth conversations and enhancing productivity in a multilingual environment.

Who Can Use

Telelingo is suitable for entrepreneurs, businesses operating internationally, travelers, educators, and anyone who frequently engages in phone calls with speakers of different languages.


Pricing for Telelingo starts from $0.22 per minute, offering a cost-effective language solution without hidden fees. For detailed pricing information, you can visit their pricing page.


The AI technologies behind Telelingo are sophisticated and designed to deliver high accuracy and minimal latency. It utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to recognize and translate speech in real-time, ensuring that the essence of the conversation is preserved.


Based on the given knowledge base, three alternatives to Telelingo could be:
1. Google Translate Call 芒聙?A similar service by Google for live translations during phone calls.
2. Microsoft Translator 芒聙?Offering real-time translation features that could be used for phone call translations.
3. Babbel 芒聙?While primarily a language learning app, it also offers a live translation feature that could serve as an alternative.

Overall Comment

Telelingo is a must-have tool for any business-savvy individual or organization looking to navigate the complex world of international communication. Its robust AI capabilities, extensive language coverage, and transparent pricing make it a compelling choice. Whether you’re closing a deal or simply making a connection across the globe, Telelingo ensures that language is never a barrier to success.

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