Introducing, a cutting-edge AI tool that’s set to revolutionize the teaching landscape by alleviating the burden of administrative tasks.

Main Features

  • Rubric Generator
  • AI-assisted marking tool
  • Report Card Subject Comments

How to Use is designed to address the repetitive and time-consuming tasks that teachers face. By using this tool, educators can input their assessment criteria, student assignments, and performance data. The tool then processes this information to generate rubrics, mark assignments, and craft personalized report card comments. The outcomes are efficiency, consistency, and a significant amount of time saved for teachers to focus on what they do best 芒聙?teach.

Who Can Use

This tool is tailored for educators across all levels who are looking to optimize their teaching workflow. Whether you’re a classroom teacher or a department head, can be a game-changer in managing administrative tasks.


Pricing for starts from $4.99 a month. For detailed pricing plans, visit their official pricing page.

Technologies leverages sophisticated AI technologies to automate the creation of educational materials. It uses machine learning to understand and apply assessment criteria, natural language processing to generate meaningful feedback, and data analytics to personalize report card comments.


Based on the given knowledge base, possible alternatives could be:
1. GradeCam 芒聙?An AI-based grading platform that streamlines the assessment process.
2. EssayTagger 芒聙?An AI-powered tool that helps with grading essays.
3. Turnitin 芒聙?Known for plagiarism detection, Turnitin also offers AI-driven feedback for written assignments.

Overall Comment is a must-have tool for any educator looking to enhance productivity. Its AI-driven approach not only saves time but also ensures that assessments are consistent and personalized. With a clear focus on simplifying the teaching process, this tool is a testament to how technology can empower educators. The positive feedback from Canadian teachers is a strong indicator of its effectiveness. is not just a tool; it’s a strategic investment in the future of education.

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