Enhance your LinkedIn presence with precision and speed. RoastMyLinked.In is the go-to AI tool forProfile Optimization.

Main Features

RoastMyLinked.In excels in providing comprehensive LinkedIn profile analysis, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses with surgical precision. Its key features include

  • In-depth profile analysis.
  • Customized actionable recommendations.
  • Interactive chat support for personalized guidance.
  • Follow-up reviews for optimized profiles.
  • Career coaching services for professional advancement.

How to Use

  • Use Scenario: This tool is ideal for professionals and businesses looking to enhance their LinkedIn visibility, credibility, and networking opportunities. It solves the common problem of not knowing how to effectively showcase one’s skills and experiences on the platform.

  • Input Required: Users need to input their LinkedIn profile information, which the AI will analyze.

  • Outcomes: Users receive a detailed report highlighting areas of improvement and actionable steps to boost their profile’s effectiveness. The interactive chat ensures that users understand and can apply the suggested changes.

Who Can Use

Both individuals seeking to elevate their personal brand and businesses aiming to optimize their team’s LinkedIn profiles can benefit from RoastMyLinked.In’s services.


Pricing starts from 芒聜?.99. For detailed pricing information, visit their service plans.


RoastMyLinked.In leverages AI technologies to analyze profiles, identify patterns, and compare them against industry benchmarks. This ensures that the recommendations are data-driven and tailored to each user’s specific needs.


Based on the given knowledge base, possible alternatives include

  1. LinkedIn Profile Makeover – A service that provides manual profile reviews and optimization.
  2. Optimize Your LinkedIn – Another AI tool that offers profile analysis and enhancement.
  3. ProFinder – A LinkedIn service that connects users with career experts for personalized assistance.

Overall Comment

RoastMyLinked.In is a must-have tool for anyone serious about leveraging LinkedIn for their career or business. Its AI-driven insights and actionable recommendations set it apart, making it a valuable investment for those looking to stand out in the competitive professional landscape.

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