
LIDO is a game-changer in the realm of music creation, leveraging AI to democratize the art of composing and producing music.

Main Features

LIDO’s core strengths lie in its ability to generate unique, royalty-free music with customizable lyrics and styles, catering to a wide range of genres and creative needs.

How to Use

  • Use Scenario: Ideal for content creators, musicians, and anyone looking to inject original music into their projects without the hassle of traditional composition.
    • Problems Solved: It addresses the challenges of time-consuming music production, high costs of licensing, and the need for musical expertise.
      • Inputs: Users provide basic parameters such as genre, mood, and key, which LIDO then uses to craft a tailor-made musical piece.
        • Outcomes: The tool outputs fully produced tracks ready for use in videos, podcasts, or as standalone songs.

        Who Can Use

        LIDO is accessible to everyone, from hobbyists experimenting with music to professionals in need of quick, high-quality compositions for their projects.


        Currently, LIDO offers its services without any pricing, though it’s advisable to check their website ( for any updates on this front.


        LIDO employs advanced AI algorithms that analyze user inputs and generate music in real-time. It uses machine learning to understand musical styles and structures, enabling it to create music that is both unique and cohesive.


        1. Jukedeck 芒聙?An AI music generator that creates custom tracks for videos.

        2. Amper Music 芒聙?Offers AI-generated music for various production needs.

        3. AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) 芒聙?Uses AI to compose classical music and soundtracks.

        Overall Comment

        LIDO is a must-try for any entrepreneur or creator looking to enhance their content with original music. Its seamless integration of AI into the creative process not only streamlines production but also opens up new avenues for musical expression. With no pricing barriers and a user-friendly interface, LIDO is set to redefine how we approach music creation in the digital age.

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