Introducing, an innovative AI tool that streamlines customer support operations by automating email responses, enhancing efficiency, and reducing the noise in your support inbox.

Main Features

  • AI-driven email deflection
  • Integration with existing chatbots or use of the built-in AI bot
  • Inbox alias for automatic processing
  • Data extraction and fetching of answers
  • Fallback scenario for plan limits or deactivation
  • Customer reply to incorrect AI answers
  • Dashboard for monitoring email deflection metrics
  • Support for multiple language configurations

How to Use

Identify the use scenario where customer support teams are overwhelmed with repetitive emails that could be automated. solves this by pre-emptively answering these emails, allowing support staff to focus on complex, human-required issues. To input into this tool, simply integrate your AI chatbot or input URLs or knowledge base sitemaps if using the built-in AI capabilities. The outcome is a significant reduction in support workload and improved response times for genuine issues.

Who Can Use

Any business or support team that deals with high volumes of customer emails and seeks to optimize their support operations can benefit from It’s particularly useful for startups and growing businesses looking to scale their support without scaling their headcount.

Pricing offers a tiered pricing structure starting from a free plan, which includes limited deflections and inboxes. Paid plans increase deflection limits and add additional features. The pricing details can be found on their official pricing page.


The AI technologies behind are designed to learn from user inputs and continuously improve the accuracy of email deflections. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, the tool can understand and respond to customer inquiries with high precision.


Based on the knowledge base provided, three alternatives to could be:
1. Mendable 芒聙?for AI-driven customer support
2. AskAI 芒聙?for AI-based question answering
3. Chatbase 芒聙?for building and integrating AI chatbots

Overall Comment is a no-nonsense tool for businesses that mean business. It’s a strategic asset that can transform your customer support from a bottleneck to a well-oiled machine. The ability to customize and integrate with various AI providers makes it versatile and scalable. While the lack of refunds for canceled plans may be a concern for some, the potential time and cost savings from efficient email management are hard to ignore. If you’re looking to step up your customer support game without breaking the bank, is worth a serious look.

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