Main Features

CustomGPT stands out with its powerful document ingestion capabilities, handling over 60 million words across 1400+ document types. Its multilingual support is unparalleled, integrating sitemaps and accommodating 92 different languages. The ability to create up to 100 AI agents under one account, each tailored for specific tasks, demonstrates its versatility. Deployment options are flexible, ranging from live chat to API integration, and its responses even include citations, adding a layer of credibility to the information provided.

How to Use

Identify the use scenario where quick and accurate retrieval of information is crucial. CustomGPT solves the problem of information overload and inefficiency in knowledge management. To input into this tool, simply upload your documents and configure your AI agents based on the specific needs of your business. The outcomes include streamlined data organization, enhanced customer service, and improved decision-making through research and content analysis.

Who Can Use

Any individual or organization looking to enhance their knowledge management, customer service, or research capabilities can benefit from CustomGPT. It’s particularly useful for businesses operating in multilingual environments or those that deal with large volumes of documents.


CustomGPT offers a tiered pricing structure starting from free, with paid plans available from $89. For detailed pricing information, you can visit their pricing page.


CustomGPT operates on the cutting-edge Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system, which combines the power of retrieval-based and generative AI models. This technology allows it to provide highly accurate and contextually relevant information.


Based on the given knowledge base, three alternatives to CustomGPT could be:
1. IBM Watson Discovery 芒聙?for robust document search and content analysis.
2. Dialogflow 芒聙?for creating chatbots with a focus on natural language processing.
3. OpenAI’s GPT-3 芒聙?for generative AI capabilities, though it may lack the tailored retrieval features of CustomGPT.

Overall Comment

CustomGPT is a game-changer in the AI tool landscape. Its sophisticated RAG system, extensive multilingual support, and flexible deployment options make it an invaluable asset for businesses serious about leveraging their knowledge base for competitive advantage. The pricing is transparent and accessible, allowing both startups and established enterprises to benefit from its advanced features. If you’re looking to enhance your information management and customer engagement, CustomGPT is an investment that promises significant returns.

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