Text to speechTop Picks


Voice generation model specifically designed for conversational scenarios


ChatTTS emerges as a groundbreaking solution in the text-to-speech (TTS) landscape. As an entrepreneur deeply invested in tech advancements, I see ChatTTS as a pivotal player poised to redefine how we interact with conversational AI. This review will delve into the various facets of ChatTTS, highlighting its features, usability, and potential impact on the industry.

What is ChatTTS?

ChatTTS is a sophisticated voice generation model specifically designed for conversational scenarios. Whether you’re integrating it into a large language model (LLM) assistant or using it for audio and video introductions, ChatTTS promises to deliver high-quality, natural-sounding speech. The model’s training on approximately 100,000 hours of Chinese and English data ensures that it can handle a variety of dialogue tasks with ease.


Chattts control panel

Key Features of ChatTTS

Multi-language Support

One of the standout features of ChatTTS is its ability to support multiple languages, primarily Chinese and English. This multi-language capability makes it a versatile tool for a global audience, breaking down language barriers and expanding its usability across different regions.

Extensive Data Training

ChatTTS is trained on an impressive dataset of approximately 10 million hours of Chinese and English data. This extensive training enables the model to generate speech that is not only high in quality but also natural-sounding, making interactions more fluid and engaging.

Dialog Task Compatibility

Optimized for dialogue tasks, ChatTTS excels when integrated into applications requiring conversational AI. Whether it’s generating responses for customer service bots or creating interactive educational content, ChatTTS offers a level of interaction that feels remarkably human.

Open Source Plans

The team behind ChatTTS plans to open-source a trained base model. This move is a game-changer, allowing academic researchers and developers to further study and enhance the technology. Open-sourcing fosters innovation and development, potentially leading to new applications and improvements in the TTS field.

Control and Security

In an era where data security is paramount, ChatTTS doesn’t fall short. The team is committed to improving the controllability of the model, adding watermarks, and integrating it with LLMs to ensure safety and reliability. These measures provide peace of mind for users concerned about data privacy and security.

Ease of Use

ChatTTS offers a user-friendly experience, requiring only text input to generate corresponding voice files. This simplicity is a boon for users with voice synthesis needs, eliminating the need for complex setups and extensive technical knowledge.

How to Use ChatTTS

Getting started with ChatTTS is straightforward, thanks to its well-documented setup process. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Download from GitHub: Clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/2noise/ChatTTS.
  2. Install Dependencies: Ensure you have the necessary packages installed, such as torch and ChatTTS, using pip: pip install torch ChatTTS.
  3. Import Required Libraries: Import torch, ChatTTS, and Audio from IPython.display.
  4. Initialize ChatTTS: Create an instance of the ChatTTS class and load the pre-trained models.
  5. Prepare Your Text: Define the text you want to convert to speech.
  6. Generate Speech: Use the infer method to generate speech from the text.
  7. Play the Audio: Use the Audio class from IPython.display to play the generated audio.

This streamlined process ensures that even those new to TTS can quickly get up and running with ChatTTS.

Practical Applications of ChatTTS

Conversational AI Assistants

ChatTTS is tailor-made for enhancing conversational AI assistants. By providing natural-sounding speech, it makes interactions more engaging and realistic, improving user experience and satisfaction.

Educational and Training Content

In the realm of education, ChatTTS can be a valuable tool for creating interactive and dynamic content. Whether it’s for online courses or training modules, the ability to generate high-quality speech can make learning more accessible and enjoyable.

Video Introductions

For content creators and marketers, ChatTTS offers a way to add professional-grade voiceovers to videos. This capability can elevate the quality of video introductions, making them more compelling and engaging for viewers.

Customer Service

In customer service applications, ChatTTS can be used to generate automated responses, providing timely and accurate information to customers. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that customer interactions remain consistent and high-quality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can developers integrate ChatTTS into their applications?

Developers can integrate ChatTTS into their applications using the provided API and SDKs. The integration process involves initializing the ChatTTS model, loading the pre-trained models, and calling the text-to-speech functions to generate audio from text. Detailed documentation and examples are available to guide developers through the integration process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

What can ChatTTS be used for?

ChatTTS is a versatile tool that can be employed in various applications, including:

  1. Conversational tasks for large language model assistants
  2. Generating dialogue speech
  3. Video introductions
  4. Educational and training content speech synthesis
  5. Any application or service requiring text-to-speech functionality

How is ChatTTS trained?

ChatTTS is trained on approximately 100,000 hours of Chinese and English data, which helps the model learn to produce high-quality, natural speech. The extensive dataset ensures that the model can capture various speech patterns, intonations, and nuances, resulting in more authentic and engaging interactions.

Does ChatTTS support multiple languages?

Yes, ChatTTS supports both Chinese and English. By training on a large dataset in these languages, ChatTTS can generate high-quality speech synthesis in both Chinese and English, making it suitable for use in multilingual environments and meeting the needs of diverse language users.

What makes ChatTTS unique compared to other text-to-speech models?

ChatTTS is specifically optimized for dialogue scenarios, making it particularly effective for conversational applications. It supports both Chinese and English and is trained on a vast dataset to ensure high-quality, natural speech synthesis. Additionally, the plan to open-source a base model trained on 40,000 hours of data sets it apart, promoting further research and development in the field.

What kind of data is used to train ChatTTS?

ChatTTS is trained on approximately 100,000 hours of Chinese and English data. This dataset includes a wide variety of spoken content to help the model learn to generate natural and high-quality speech. The diversity and volume of the training data ensure that ChatTTS can handle various speech synthesis tasks effectively.

Is there an open-source version of ChatTTS available for developers and researchers?

Yes, the project team plans to release an open-source version of ChatTTS that is trained on 40,000 hours of data. This open-source model will enable developers and researchers to explore and expand upon ChatTTS’s capabilities, fostering innovation and development in the text-to-speech domain.

How does ChatTTS ensure the naturalness of synthesized speech?

ChatTTS ensures the naturalness of synthesized speech by training on a large and diverse dataset of approximately 100,000 hours of Chinese and English speech. This extensive training allows the model to capture various speech patterns, intonations, and nuances, resulting in high-quality, natural-sounding speech. Advanced machine learning techniques are also employed to fine-tune the model for better performance in conversational scenarios.

Can ChatTTS be customized for specific applications or voices?

Yes, ChatTTS can be customized for specific applications or voices. Developers can fine-tune the model using their own datasets to better suit particular use cases or to develop unique voice profiles. This customization allows for greater flexibility and adaptability in different application contexts.

The Future of ChatTTS

The future looks promising for ChatTTS. With its planned open-source release, the technology is set to become a cornerstone for further innovations in the TTS domain. Researchers and developers will have the opportunity to explore new applications, improve existing functionalities, and contribute to the growth of this technology.

Furthermore, as AI continues to evolve, we can expect ChatTTS to integrate more seamlessly into various platforms, enhancing user experiences across different sectors. From customer service to education, the potential applications are vast and varied, making ChatTTS a valuable asset in the AI toolkit.


ChatTTS stands out as a formidable player in the text-to-speech arena. Its multi-language support, extensive data training, and user-friendly design make it a versatile and powerful tool for a wide range of applications. The commitment to open-sourcing a base model further underscores its potential for driving innovation and development in the field.

For anyone looking to elevate their conversational AI capabilities, ChatTTS offers a robust and reliable solution. Its ability to generate natural, high-quality speech sets it apart from the competition, making it a valuable addition to any tech arsenal.

So, whether you’re a developer, researcher, or business owner, ChatTTS is worth exploring. Its blend of advanced technology, ease of use, and future-forward vision makes it a standout choice in the ever-evolving world of AI.

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