
Boundary AI is a game-changer in the AI toolkit space, offering a sophisticated platform that streamlines the workflow for AI engineers with its innovative BAML language.

Main Features

  • BAML (Basically, A Made-up Language) for simplified prompt template conversion to typed functions.
  • Enhanced performance of Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Instantaneous testing of prompts within various IDEs, including a VSCode Playground UI.
  • Boundary Studio for monitoring and tracking LLM function performance over time.
  • Support for OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini, Mistral, and custom models.
  • Typesafe code generation in Python or Typescript.

How to Use

Identify the Use Scenario: Boundary AI is ideal for AI engineers looking to optimize their LLM workflows, reduce boilerplate code, and enhance model performance monitoring.

Problems It Solves: It addresses the complexities of prompt templating, parsing errors, and the lack of cohesive monitoring in LLM function usage.

What to Input: Users input prompt templates into BAML, which are then converted into executable functions.

Outcomes: Users receive typed functions that are easy to execute and test, along with performance monitoring data and typesafe code generation.

Who Can Use

  • AI engineers
  • Data scientists
  • Developers working with Large Language Models


Boundary AI offers a free and open-source BAML compiler and VSCode extension. Paid services for Boundary Studio start at a price point that can be found on their official pricing page.


Boundary AI leverages BAML, a config language primarily coded in Rust, which provides a robust and typesafe environment for working with LLMs. It supports a variety of models and is designed to integrate with existing workflows.


  1. Hugging Face Transformers: A popular open-source library for machine learning that includes a vast collection of models and tools.
  2. OpenAI’s API: A powerful AI toolkit that provides access to various LLMs and pre-trained models.
  3. Anthropic’s API: An alternative AI platform that offers models and tools for developers.

Overall Comment

Boundary AI stands out for its innovative BAML language, which significantly simplifies the process of working with LLMs. It’s a must-try for any AI engineer looking to enhance productivity and model performance. The open-source nature of its core tools, combined with the comprehensive monitoring features of Boundary Studio, makes it a strong competitor in the AI toolkit market. If you’re serious about leveraging LLMs in your projects, Boundary AI deserves a close look.

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